Update 7/28/20

28 Jul 2020 by Julianna Kronick

Dear MSDC family,

As we enter the beginning of August, I want to express my continued and deep appreciation to all the students, families, and staff during this unprecedented health emergency. Making plans for the fall involves weighing the delicate balance between the health of individuals, our entire community, and our students’ emotional and physical needs while filtering through the guidelines and science available to us.

We are learning towards our Social Distancing/Virtual Hybrid plan with extensive, regular cleaning and disinfecting. We hope to offer a combination of in person training and virtual instruction. We have measured each of our studios to ensure adequate social distancing for those who take class in person; we are palling for distancing much in excess of the six by six foot recommendations. Thus, large classes would need to have alternating in person and virtual schedules to ensure reduced, in person class sizes. Consistent virtual classes would be available to those who are not comfortable in a studio setting.

We have decided to begin our 2020-2021 Season after Labor Day since most schools in the region will be all virtual. Before we proceed with registration, we ask you to please participate in our very short survey. We need your feedback/responses to support our specific class schedule and class planning. Note, that we would like to resume classes as close to the 2019-2020 school year as is possible.

Please also note that all dancers will advance in one level for ballet and modern only. So for instance, a level 3B student last season, will now be a level 3A. Level placement, registration details, drop-off schedule, and safety protocols will be emailed soon.

Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfg6Q8U7-IsUXnA8WL-IvOPREBnK1trG4lwQWM-GLPFxRcpxw/viewform?usp=sf_link

We are asking that you read over this letter and survey with your family members and your dance student(s) and discuss your thoughts and questions. Would you kindly return the surveys quickly but no later than the end of the day on Saturday, August 1st if you are able. This will help us make necessary class adjustments so we can all get back to the dancing we love.

Hopefully, COVID-19 will not throw us any more curveballs. If it does, of course, we will adjust, once again, as the circumstances require.

Stay well and see you all shortly.

With love,
Ms. Donna